The European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Trans European Scientific Contest
ESPRM TESC 2018 Vilnius
Wednesday May 2, 2018
During previous congresses of ESPRM there has been a contest called TESC.
The aim of TESC is to stimulate young physicians in PRM to perform clinical research and to present the results during the ESPRM congresses.
Each national society has the right to select one young PRM physician to compete in TESC.
The candidates should be residents or young specialists in PRM not more than 3 years after graduation as PRM specialist.
They should present their own research and have approval of their supervisor.
Because each national society is allowed to delegate one candidate, national societies are requested to organize in their own countries and during the meeting of their national society a selection procedure/national contest in order to select the best candidate from each country.
Your national society is free on how to organize this selection procedure.
The organizing committee of ESPRM TESC
Enrique Varela
Henk Stam
Thierry Lejeune
and the organizing committee of the 20th ESPRM Congress of PRM will need the names of the candidates before March 1st 2018.
After this date no candidate will be accepted for the contest.
The candidates will have to prepare a presentation of 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers.
A jury will be installed consisting of senior researchers coming from countries that have sent a candidate for TESC. The jury will judge the contributions on research quality, presentation and relevance for PRM.
The file will include:
Name of the candidate
CV of the candidate
Supervisor name
Contribution of the candidate to the research (design, experiment, analysis, writing, etc.)
Three prizes will be awarded: 1000, 500 and 300 E
The 3 candidates who obtain one of the three prizes, will attend as guests to the Presidents dinner of the congress, where the prizes will be delivered